A trusted partner on the Budapest office market

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About us

The TCL Group

Tower Commercial Leasing (TCL) company  is a trusted partner of office building owners as well as Hungarian and international companies looking for offices in Budapest since 2007. Companies looking for a new office rental solution in Budapest will find the whole spectrum of the available high quality commercial real estate listings in the capital city of Hungary. We present our offers with dedicated attention to your specific needs. TCL Commercial Real Estate Agency offers premium cathegory office spaces in office buildings, instant serviced office solutions in business centers and even quality apartment type offices in downtown Budapest. Our service is an efficient and dynamic alternative for office building owners too.

Our colleagues

Zoltán Gyöngyösi
Owner, CEO
Mihály Pátkai
Balázs Pócsik
Commercial Leasing Consultant
Lídia Cseke
Commercial Leasing Consultant
Tamás Piros
Finance Manager

Professional Experience

  • Thousands of square metres office space rented out to Fortune 500 corporations in Budapest, Hungary
  • 2 high cathegory serviced office centers designed, rented out and sold
  • Dozens of satisfied office building owners

Click here to read interesting Budapest office rental Case Studies and discover how efficient is the service of TCL Group.

Press Releases

2018 / 07 / 12

Did you heard the joke that someone wanted to find an office alone?

The development of new office buildings in Budapest continues this year, many of the buildings have been already completed. Still not in a good position who is looking for a new office for his company in the current market.

2017 / 11 / 06

New office buildings are coming next year – See what you can rent now in Budapest

We can read everywhere about the construction of new office buildings and a soaring office market. However, if we are looking for an office in Budapest today, we face a very serious challenge.

2017 / 04 / 20

3 thing you need to know about office search in Budapest (Hungarian)

Jelenleg szinte lehetetlen bérelhető iroda területet találni Budapest belvárosában. Várható változás a közeljövőben? Összeszedtük mi az a 3 alapvető dolog, amit irodakeresőként tudatosítani kell.

Míg a válság alatt a bérbeadottság 75% volt, mostanra már 90% körüli rekordot döntött, a budapesti irodapiacon még soha nem volt ilyen magas a kihasználtság.

2016 / 08 / 04

It is challenging to find a good office space in Budapest (Hungarian)

A hazai irodapiac az elmúlt 3 év alatt teljesen megváltozott. Nem elég, hogy szinte lehetetlen magas minoségű irodához jutni Budapesten, a bérlők elvárásai is egyre magasabbak a munkakörnyezettel kapcsolatban. Olyan helyzet alakult ki, amin már csak egy nagyszabású beruházási hullám segíthet.

We are very grateful for your efforts during the year-end drive too!

Balazs Szeri
Real Estate Manager

Thank you for your thorough search and advices.

Zoltan Vorobcsuk
Head of Sales

I’d like to thank you very much for your great efforts and professional attitude which I highly appreciated! I will recommend you to my partners.

Claudia Nador
Managing Director

Thank you for the office viewings, they have been presented to us in an absolute professional manner.

Ákos Rudasits
Head of Online Operations and Support

Tower Commercial Leasing

1132 Budapest, Váci út 22-24.


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